Material Change: Resourcing Net Zero, produced by CWP in partnership with IOM3, features in the November issue of Materials World – the flagship IOM3 members’ magazine, specifically devoted to the engineering materials cycle, from mining and extraction, through processing and application, to recycling and recovery.
CWP partners with BCS to celebrate our digital journey to net zero
CWP has partnered with BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, to produce a digital series exploring the instrumental role of the IT industry in responding to the climate crisis; delivering digital solutions to support mitigation and adaptation, whilst embedding sustainability into its own practices.
The Barbican Centre played host to an afternoon of celebration in London for the launch of ‘Net Zero: A Digital Journey’ on 23 November, and the suite of series content, including interviews, podcasts, short films and a documentary, is now available online.
Recent years have witnessed a surge in digital technology innovations to support a net zero future; but with climate change representing an unprecedented global threat, more must be done to harness the transformative potential of IT and digital professionals to secure a positive future for the environment and society. At the same time, the industry itself must accelerate the reduction of its own environmental impact.
In a journey of discovery, the series meets AI innovators, e-waste pioneers, leaders in sustainable data centres, computer scientists harnessing big data and many others who are driving innovation, collaboration and research in pursuit of net zero.
The series features comment from industry experts including Rashik Parmar MBE, Group CEO of BCS, Ben Tongue, Digital Net Zero Lead at NHS England, and Professor Penny Endersby, Met Office Chief Executive, and tells the stories of inspirational individuals and organisations across the digital technology community, who are transforming every industry and shaping our response to the climate crisis.
Organisations featured include; eFutures Network, the School of Computing at Newcastle University, Restore Technology, the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow, Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton and Wipro.
Rashik Parmar MBE, Group CEO of BCS, said: “How do we continue to leverage IT and data in developing the solutions we need for a greener future, whilst at the same time reducing IT’s carbon impact? This is a huge challenge, but it’s a tremendously exciting time for the industry. This series with CWP shines a light on some of the innovators leading the way”.
Max Smith, Founder, CWP said: “The IT industry is critical in mitigating and adapting to climate change. This partnership uncovers the challenges we face, but also the solutions we need for a prosperous, sustainable future. We are delighted to be working with BCS to bring these stories to life.”
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, promotes and supports the growing and diverse community of IT and digital professionals committed to making IT good for society.
RTPI digital series champions the power of planning for a sustainable future
CWP has partnered with the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) to produce a digital series exploring the intrinsic role of planning in tackling climate change and paving the way to a sustainable future.
Representatives from across the planning ecosystem came together on 8 November, World Town Planning Day, to celebrate the launch of ‘Planning for Tomorrow’s Environment’ at the Barbican.
The series features comments from experts including Timothy Crawshaw MA MRTPI FRSA, President of the RTPI, Karime Hassan, Chief Executive Officer at Exeter City Futures, and Emily Braham, Director at Energiesprong UK, as well as stories from organisations who are prioritising net zero and climate resilience in planning for a sustainable future.
Organisations featured include; Atkins, the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University, Chapman Taylor Architects, the Landscape Decisions Programme, Ramboll, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments at UWE Bristol, and Wates Developments (part of the Wates Group).
Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the RTPI, said: “Planners are crucial in embedding solutions to climate change – from net zero transport to urban greening. We are delighted to partner with CWP to celebrate collaboration, research, skills and innovation in tackling this existential threat, and we hope the series inspires all planners and adjacent professions to embed climate action across their work.”
Max Smith, Founder and Managing Director, CWP, said: “In tackling the climate and ecological emergency, planning is one of the most potent tools at our disposal. Planners are a connecting force, and when properly leveraged can be a superb enabler. It’s been a pleasure to tell their stories and raise awareness of their vital contribution to a positive future.”
The RTPI is the largest professional body for town planners in the UK and Europe and represents around 27,000 members in over 80 countries worldwide. The Institute has been shaping planning policy and raising professional standards for over 100 years and is the only body in the UK to confer Chartered status to planners, the highest professional qualification.